the most feasible and enticing Facebook post strategy a real estate agent should use to earn greater revenue
  • April 3rd, 2023
  • Reading time about minutes

A real estate social media marketing strategy is essential for generating leads and increasing sales. This is due to the fact that homebuyers are increasingly searching for properties online, including through social media channels. Facebook ads and posts are extremely effective for realtors. Facebook ads must be included in the marketing mix for successful real estate marketing.

Facebook is a best social media website for realtors

Facebook business promotion can assist you in capturing leads, increasing traffic to open houses, and maintaining your brand with your target audience - whether they are future homeowners, current homeowners, or real estate investors.

The success of your real estate agent mobile app using highly rated social media platforms such as Facebook is determined by your strategy, consistency, and ongoing campaign adjustments.

Real estate and social media

It may not appear to be the best channel for your industry, but using social media for real estate has several advantages. Most notably, there are over 3.78 billion social media users worldwide, and the average person spends nearly 2 to 12 hours per day on social media. So, statistically, your target audience is already on social media; why not meet them there?

Second, social media provides targeted advertising options tailored to specific audiences in specific locations — isn't that exactly what realtors seek?

Also, having a social media presence allows you to increase brand awareness and build trust with your audience. They may not be ready to make a purchase or even reach out to begin the conversion process yet, but if they notice you're consistently active on your platforms or come across one of your advertisements, they may make a mental note of what you offer and return to you when they're ready to start their process.

Proven Facebook usage tactics that realtors can use to generate awesome results for their business enhancement

Complete your Facebook Business Page with all the essential details

Fill out every section of your Facebook business page because having more content on the page makes it easier for potential clients to find. Many realtors will use their personal Facebook accounts to solicit new clients from existing contacts. However, this is a violation of Facebook's Terms of Service policy, which states that if you're conducting business in any way, you must have a Facebook business page.

So, when you're not working, use your personal Facebook account to connect with friends, family, and new contacts, while directing them to your business Facebook page.

Display your properties with high-resolution photos and virtual tours in a Facebook carousel

Your Facebook business page should feature high-quality photos and virtual tours of your properties. These images will give potential buyers an idea of what the property looks like and will help them decide whether or not they want to see it in person. It's critical that the photos are well-lit, well-framed, and depict the property as accurately as possible.

Create a Facebook group for your customers and provide them with exclusive content and deals

Creating a Facebook group for your clients is an excellent way to build a community while also providing them with exclusive content and deals. This can include real estate buying and selling tips, market updates, and promotional offers. You can build a strong relationship with your clients by providing value to them and encouraging them to recommend you to their friends and family.

To reach people who have visited your website, use retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are an effective way to reach people who have visited your website but have not taken any action, such as completing a contact form or scheduling a viewing. You can remind them of your services and encourage them to take the next step by retargeting them with Facebook ads.

Use messenger ads to provide quick customer service

Messenger ads enable you to provide prompt customer service to potential customers who have questions about your properties or services. You can build trust and encourage them to work with you by responding quickly and providing useful information.

To reach a larger audience, use influencer marketing

Influencer marketing entails collaborating with social media influencers who have a significant following in your target market. Working with them to promote your properties or services allows you to reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness.

Introduce Facebook polls to engage and collect feedback from your audience

Introducing Facebook polls in a real estate leads app is a fun way to engage your audience and gather feedback on real estate-related topics. You could, for example, ask them which features are most important to them when purchasing a home or which neighbourhood they would prefer to live in.

Showcase your properties and answer questions on Facebook live

Facebook Live is an effective way to showcase your properties, real your visitors and answer potential buyers' questions in real time. You can take them on a virtual tour of the property, highlighting its features and providing market context.

To build trust, show video testimonials from satisfied customers

Video testimonials from satisfied customers can be an effective way to gain the trust of potential buyers. You can demonstrate your expertise and professionalism in the industry by highlighting the positive experiences of others in building a personal real estate website.


A real estate agent website with IDX is required for realtors who want to increase their revenue and boost business. Real estate website and CRM for improved lead management.

Facebook can help you show your Real estate property listings to the most relevant people, giving you an advantage. Using the expert advice provided above, you can ensure that those prospects become clients. Use these Real Estate advertising tips to reach out to prospective clients. Further feel free to reach us at BidHome to gain a deep understanding on effective Facebook marketing strategies for the betterment of a real estate business and developing a real estate custom website and mobile application.


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